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Webmaster-Now > web site creation > language > html language and tags

HTML: Language and tags

HTML is an easy and interoperable language. Html is standardized and managed by the W3C, the world consortium behind Internet.

In order to give an instruction to a web page or a part of it, the developer uses a tag. Each and every tag gives a specific instruction.

The first tag <HTML> tells that the page is written in HTML language.

All tags have an entry <HTML> and an exit </HTML>. Note the / mark to close a tag.

The tag gives an instruction to all codes between its entry and its exit.

In the <HTML> example, the tag applies to all the page. The exit tag </HTML> is the last line of codes in order to cover all the page.

From the beginning of the codes page we can find the following tags:

<HTML>: language of the page

<HEAD> and </HEAD> : title, and meta tag instructions for search engines, some scripts such as Javascript or CSS.

<BODY>: content of the page. All tags and codes of the content are between the entry and the exit <BODY> tags .

The codes page ends with:

</BODY>: exit of the <BODY> tag

</HTML>: exit of the <HTML> tag

Next: HTML markup and instruction

Web languages:
HTML - PHP - XML - ASP - dHTML - CSS - Javascript - CGI bin - Perl - Java - Flash

Webmaster-Now gives you some advices to create a web site:

1: What are your web site goals?

2: Navigation and architecture

3: Content is king

4: Graphics for a web site

5: Design a web site, use web languages

6: Web site functionalities

7: Authoring software to create a web site

8: Usability: 10 rules for an easy-to-use web site

9: Test the site before launching it

10: Launch the web site


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Webmaster-Now helps webmasters with guides, tips, advice, reviews and tools to develop a sucessful web site
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Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web