Webmaster Now
Webmaster-Now: guide, advice and tools for webmasters


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The guide to help you launch a succesful web site








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Webmaster-Now > web site creation > goals

Web site goals

Before even building a web site, a webmaster needs to know a little bit more about the web site, and ask to himself/herself the following questions :

- What do I want to achieve with this web site ?
Why will people visit this site ?
- What are they going to do on the site ?
- What will they think about the site when they will leave it ?
- What are my resources ?
- How can I reach my goal with these resources ?
- What is the right keyword ?
- What are the different sections of the site ?
- Where can I put the keyword so that users and search engines see it and understand what it means ?

An answer to each one of these questions allows you to structure the site, identify the strengths so that you can benefit from the right keyword and attract the maximum amount of interested web users. It is now time to build the web site.

Next: Navigation and architecture

Webmaster-Now gives you some advices to create a web site:

1: What are your web site goals? you are here!

2: Navigation and architecture

3: Content is king

4: Graphics for a web site

5: Design a web site, use web languages

6: Web site functionalities

7: Authoring software to create a web site

8: Usability: 10 rules for an easy-to-use web site

9: Test the site before launching it

10: Launch the web site


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Webmaster-Now helps webmasters with guides, tips, advice, reviews and tools to develop a sucessful web site
© 2003-2010, Webmaster-Now

Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web