Webmaster Now
Webmaster-Now: guide, advice and tools for webmasters


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The guide to help you launch a succesful web site








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About Webmaster-Now

Tips, review and tools for webmasters

I launched Webmaster-Now in August of 2004. The goal is to share a bit of the experience I learned doing online marketing and maybe to improve the quality of web sites and therefore satisfy its users.

The first Internet project I was involved in was in 1995. The job was to adapt in Europe in about 12 languages the web site of an American company selling cigarettes. I never heard of the Internet before ! Now it takes a big part of my life.

Then, I gained experience and understanding of the web with these projects:

  • Business consultant – and project manager – of Pigsback.com: the #1 permission marketing site in Ireland, employing 30 people
  • Internet Marketing Manager in a leading Dutch bank for 3 years
  • Rural Biznet consultant, an european initiative for SME in rural areas
  • General manager of Terroir.com during 3 years, selling wine online
  • Nowadays, webmaster of the #1 information site on french wine in 4 languages
  • Founder of Forum des Hollandais, a community board of french speaking people in the Netherlands with more than 500 members
  • Worked on about 50 Web projects for large and small companies and associations.

All these experiences, the books I read, the experiences I got from others taught me 3 major elements about any kind of web site:

1:  Content is king

2:  Keyword is everything

3:  A type of promotion for a type of site

This is what I offer you to share with me in reading the Webmaster-Now web site.


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Webmaster-Now helps webmasters with guides, tips, advice, reviews and tools to develop a sucessful web site
© 2003-2010, Webmaster-Now

Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web