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Webmaster-Now > manage a web site > a web site alive

Why and how can I make a web site looks alive?

A regular visitor knows a website almost as much as its webmaster. But once he knows it thoroughly, the challenge is to satisfy his need to know even more. If the site is not updated, doesn't provide new content, is not more specific and specialized, the visitor doesn't have a good reason to come back.

The goal is make a web site look alive, in such a way that the user is happy to come back again and again. Here are a few suggestions to make a website look alive:

- Add new content

- Updtate existing content

- Publish a newsletter

- Organize a contest

- Rank visited pages or products based on their popularity, publish and update the ranking

- Manage a news page with link to news web sites

- Provide a calendar of events, trade shows, exhibitions, meetings, and publish feedback

- Put on the home page links to new and updated content

- Offer new products, new options, new functionality, special offers, free shipping, etc

Next: 10 rules to make a web site look alive

Article: 10 ideas to make a web site looks alive

Webmaster-Now gives you some advices to manage a web site:

1: Domain name

2: Hosting services review

3: Earn money on the Internet

4: Why and how can I make a web site looks alive?

5: 10 rules to make a website look alive


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Webmaster-Now helps webmasters with guides, tips, advice, reviews and tools to develop a sucessful web site
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Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web