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Webmaster-Now > web site creation > language > javascript examples

Javascript examples

note: open the source page on your web browser to copy a Javascript

A simple way to dynamically use Javascript. Just a few lines of codes to give the time and date:

Script details :
<script language="javascript">


What day is it today ?


Script details:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">

var now = new Date();
var dayNames = new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");
document.write("Today is" + dayNames[now.getDay()] + ".");

Calculate the advertising cost

Enter the CPM and either your budget or the impressions number, this Javascript calculates the third variable for you. Useful if you want to know how many impressions you can get from a specified budget:

Script:Java Script Source

My vacation pictures

It is not with this kind of web site that I can make money with, it is just for fun !

Script:Java Script Source
Pictures: Beautiful Monde

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Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web